Radio and RF
Projects related to Ham radio and other forms of radio communication.

Quansheng UV-K6 with HF mod with UVK5CEC firmware
Installing a HF modification board into a Quansheng UV-K6 HAM radio to add HF receiver with CW, SSB and USB radio modes using UVK5CEC firmware

Ham Radio Asterisk Allstar Gateway with a Tait 8110 and Raspberry Pi
Setting up the hardware and software for an AllStar Link Gateway using a Tait TM8110 which is a 25W PMR radio with a Raspberry Pi and USB sound card interface

USB Programming Cable for Tait TM8110 PMR Radios
Making a USB Programming Cable for Tait TM8000 series PMR Radios to use as Ham Radio repeaters

HackRF One Shielded Case Installation
Installing a shielded case for our HackRF One software-defined radio

HackRF One SDR EMI Shield installation
Adding an EMI shield to our HackRF One SDR

Cateye Micro Wireless Bike Computer interference
LED lights causing RF interference with Cateye Micro Wireless Bike Computer stopping the speed sensor from working

Mastervolt Soladin RF Filtering
The Mastervolt Soladin 600 solar mains inverter has an issue where is it causing a lot of RF interference so we added additional RF Filtering and screening to try to reduce the unwanted radio emissions

Powerpole Fused Distribution Board
Making a low-voltage power distribution board using Powerpole connectors and automotive blade fuses

Variable RF Signal Sampler
Building a variable RF signal sampler to check the outputs on amateur (Ham) radios transmitters.

Cental Heating Control via Windows Phone and Raspberry Pi
Using a Windows Phone and a Raspberry Pi to control our home's gas-powered central heating system

Kent Hand Morse Key Restoration
I purchased a used and very tatty Kent Hand Morse Key from eBay and restored it to a new condition

Yaesu FT 817 Cat Control Headaches
Problems with the programming / CAT cable for my Yaesu FT 817 transceiver.

RF Shielding on a Mains Inverter
Our mains solar inverter is causing RF interference on our ham radio transceivers so we put it in a metal case to improve the RF shielding

XBee Central Heating Control via Raspberry Pi
Using an XBee wireless module and a Raspberry Pi to control a Drayton Lifestyle LP522 central heating programmer.

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